Saturday, March 10, 2012

Soccer, Chicks, and Castles

This weekend Evelyn started soccer!  It is a hands-on clinic that teaches them fundamentals.  This entire week we have been singing a chant in our house that gets her pumped up for soccer.  Daryl starts in his deepest voice "WHO'S got a soccer player in this house?"  Then I say "WE have a soccer player in this house"  Daryl says "whats her name?"  I say "EV--EL-YN!"  Then repeat.  She loves it and asks us to do it again.  She did really great at soccer and got really into it!  She also enjoyed her water breaks!

Listening to their coach
Playing pass
After soccer practice we all went to the store to look for some baby chicks.  Jane absolutely loved the chicks and was trying to get inside the bin with them.  We are going to try to raise some chickens!

Evelyn helping Jane see the baby chicks
Evelyn loves holding them
We walked in the ATV store on the way home and the first thing Evelyn said was 
"this one is A-MAZ-ing!"  and then hopped on the red one below.  It must have been the color :)

The night before we went to White Pass and checked out their snow castle.  It was beautiful!

You can walk on top of the castle and sled off of it--pretty neat!


  1. That castle is sweet! Oh man Kass is gonna freak when she sees the pictures of soccer! It rains to much here for that. No fun!
